Chinese Edition

Dr. Xingzheng WU welcome you!

                Dr. Wu's foot print on the globe till now
Dr Wu's foot print

Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Hebei University (China).

He received his Ph.D. degree in Hydraulic Structures in 2001 at Dalian University of Technology (China).

He worked as a Research Associate in the UK for seven years (University of Dundee; University of Newcastle).

His research interests focus on the risk analysis, uncertainty modelling of earth systems engineering.

Reach him via emails:;

  Wu @ GoogleScholar, Researchgate, Linkedin, Academia, ORCID, ResearchID, GeoWorld, Scopus, Publons, scinapse, semanticscholar, kudos, academig, aminer, loop, scholargps.

   Citation Counts of my publications via Google Scholar is downloadable.


Nothing is so certain as the unexpected

No engineering systems will endure forever and nothing is extremely reliable because the uncertainties are inevitable in civil or coastal infrastructure development.

Probabilistic risk analysis incorporating uncertainties is an effective method to reduce the probability of failure as low as possible.

"The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing."  

from Leo Buscaglia


His tasks  >>:::

       Recognition the risks based on scientific calculation;

       Engineering philosophy characterised by a data-driven approach;


Adaptation and sustainability

  He is developing new statistical approaches for analyzing correlated random variables in the primary engineering fields.

   He is developing new reliability-based design optimization algorithm with target confidence levels.

   He is developing time series and long range dependence model to quantify the future responses.

   Consultancy activities have been continued to the present day, and include pile foundations, coastal shoreline evolution, dam engineering, slope stability assessment and field testings. 


Click on the map below to view the visitors to his website:


QR code of his homepage / Image of Wu / Key words of study area

mobile 2D barcode


 Highlight of his research activities graphically

Three zones for probability density levelsGeometric interpretation of the environmental contour in 3d

 Contour-based reliability method in 2d (left) and 3d (right


Contour-based expanding method (CBEM) for bivariate caseContour-based expanding method (CBEM) for Trivariate case

 Practical geometric reliability analysis in 2d (left) and 3d (right)  [details]


Modelling dependence of paired observations through Copulas [link01/link02]


Fragility surface conditional on cohesion and friction angle

Development of fragility surfaces for slope instability analysis [link03/link04/link05]


Earthworm tunelling in the box

Earthworm Tunelling Test in the Box [details]

root growth in davel

Root growth in soil [details]


Nofolk Flood propogation in 10 hours     

Norfolk flood propagation in 10 hours [details of the project backaground][details of the model]


Coastal barrier system

Coastal adaptation and shoreline evolution [details]


Animation of CLIEACH

Coastline erosion due to cross-shore surges [details]


Probabilistic risk analysis of a dike ring

risk icon Risk Seepage icon Seepage analysis Sliding icon Sliding  [details]


CFRD reponse

Responses of the concrete faced rockfill dam during the stages of construction, water filling, and earthquakes [details]


longterm shoreline evolution

Stochastic evolution of long-term shoreline change [details]


 This page was last modified on 2018/08/15